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1 min read


Intro to Solana Development

Learn the fundamentals to build your own decentralized application on Solana, including Solana architecture, reading on-chain data, interacting with wallets, writing programs, and creating a front-end.

Skill levelBeginner
Time to completeApprox 15 hours
PrerequisitesBlockchain Basics, Experience with TypeScript and React

About the course

In this course, you will build a peer-to-peer game on Solana, Tic-Tac-Toe. The game will be made using the Anchor framework and will include a front-end interface for users to interact with the game. The game will be deployed on the Solana Devnet and use the Solana Wallet Adapter for user authentication and token payments. Our front end will display player stats, game history, and a leaderboard. Additionally, we will allow players to mint a Trophy NFT after winning some number of games.



Solana Basics

Learn the basics of Solana, including its architecture, fundamentals, and how to get started building on Solana.


Read and Write Data

Fetch data from and send transactions to the Solana blockchain using the command line, Solana-Web3.js, and the Solana Wallet Adapter (web).


SPL Token Program

Create and interact with tokens on Solana using the command line, JavaScript SDK, and Wallet Adapter.


Create Programs with Anchor

Write and deploy programs (smart contracts) to create and manage account state on Solana.


Build a Game

Use everything you have learned to create a peer-to-peer game from scratch.


Create API and Client

Create an API for interacting with your on-chain game, and build a custom front-end for the game.

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