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Fairdesk saved massive dev cycles and improved reliability with QuickNode

Executive summary

Fairdesk is a derivatives exchange that is building out the fastest, most secure product on the market. From day one, Fairdesk had the support of several chains including BTC, Ethererun, BSC, LTC, Doge and Tron. Among the chains, BSC proved quite a formidable foe. The full node fills the disk space at tens of Gigabytes per day with a lot of heavy disk reads & writes! Constant engineering cycles were being spent daily on maintaining BSC infrastructure.

QuickNode Cloud enables Fairdesk to build & operate worry-free, knowing their infrastructure is in good hands and that they can trust their endpoints to handle the tremendous amount of traffic their platform produces. Fairdesk now spends more time developing their core product, and less time managing their node infrastructure. Their spending went from $2000 at AWS, to $399 a month on QuickNode, for fairer, faster and more reliable service. The clients of Fairdesk also benefit from the transformation. Fund deposit and withdrawal via BSC chain are smooth and consistently fast. In addition to BSC nodes, QuickNode supports 9 other chains including Ethereum and Solana, and its multi-cloud, highly-available, globally distributed network means customers like Fairdesk can sleep well at night knowing their node infrastructure is resilient to downtime. After seeing the results that QuickNode was able to deliver for their toughest chain, Fairdesk has also migrated Ethereum chain to QuickNode, and are planning to move more chains over from their in-house solution to QuickNode Cloud.

Products used Networks used
  • XRP Ledger Mainnetnet
  • Ethereum mainnet
  • BNB mainnet
  • Arbitrum mainnet
  • Bitcoin mainnet
  • Base Mainnetnet
  • TRON Mainnetnet
  • Matic mainnet
  • Fantom mainnet
  • Avalanche Mainnetnet
  • CELO mainnet
Add-ons used
  • NFT Fetch Tool
  • Trace Mode
  • Archive Mode
  • Token API
  • Address Balance Index

Leading Provider for Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain

Exchanges can get real time fully synced blockchain data from QuickNode

“Quicknode provide a reliable web3 API backed up with well running full nodes - the API latency is pretty low, usually in a few milliseconds, we had cases to call QuickNode API in a TPS of over 500 without notice significant slow down.”

Jacky Choi

Jacky Choi
CEO, Fairdesk