Token data is hard, we make it easy

Our Token API lets you easily look up ERC-20 tokens by wallet, token transfers, and token details instantly. No indexing required!

Token API example response illustration.

Billions of logs sifted

We've sifted billions of logs, transactions, and contracts so you don't have to.

Thousands of hours saved

Time is money. We've done the heavy lifting, so you can focus on your customers.

Single request

Reduce the complexity by making a single request to get the data you need.

No experience required

We make it easy for you to get the data you need and be on your way.

Token API

Everything you need, all in one place

There is no easy way to get token data by querying the blockchain. Gathering this information manually requires a time-consuming and technical process of scraping, decoding, and storing data from millions of blocks and billions of logs.

Token metadata

Easily retrieve details about an ERC-20 token. You can look up tokens by contract address or token symbol.

Token balances

Look inside a wallet! Quickly fetch ERC-20 tokens and their balances within a specified wallet. You can also send in an array of ERC-20 contract addresses with your request to limit balance results to specific tokens.


Fetch a detailed history of incoming and outgoing transactions for a wallet, contract, or even a particular token or address.

Supported chain

ERC-20 on Ethereum

Get data on the most popular ERC-20 tokens like Uniswap (UNI), USD Coin (USDC), Aave (AAVE), Decentraland (MANA) and more.

Powerful developer tools

Built for developers, by developers

Token API puts over 1 billion sifted logs, transactions, and contracts at your fingertips, instantly - saving you thousands of hours of engineering work and turbocharging your project development.

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{
      "contract": "0x4d224452801ACEd8B2F0aebE155379bb5D594381"

DeFi, wallets and swaps

From displaying ERC-20 token portfolio contents, balances, transactions by wallet and contracts, to providing detailed transfer histories, Token API does the heavy lifting for you, ridiculously fast.

DAOs and communities

Want to gate access to part of your web3 enabled website based on token ownership? Verify ERC-20 token ownership and wallet balance with one simple API call. Token API is available on Ethereum mainnet and Ethereum Sepolia.