Our challenge
NFTs →

Fitting into a serverless architecture to notify the Avastars NFT app of smart contract events

Executive summary

The early team at Avastars was pressed for time and resources - they needed a way to get notifications when certain events were fired on their smart contracts. We stepped in and worked closely with the team to meet their needs.

Immediately following the first discussion, we knew we would be able to help the Avastars team with their problem. They were running a serverless architecture and didn't want to have to set up machines that were handling long-running processes. On top of this, they needed their information encoded in a certain format and delivered as soon as we learned about it. We built out the WebHooks add on to service their needs across every ethereum network we support, this included things like logs of their webhooks, full text search and more. The principle software architect on the Avastars team was so happy with the close collaboration and end result that he tweeted about it!

Products used Networks used
  • Ethereum mainnet
  • Rinkeby PoA testnet
Add-ons used
  • Archive Mode
  • Event Web Hooks

Smart Contract webhooks are not the end of the story

We also provide add ons like archive mode, trace mode and more across multiple blockchains and networks.

“While building out the infrastructure for AvaStars I can't overstate how incredible it has been working with the team at QuikNode. We needed Ethereum smart contract event monitoring for some critical functionality, and they delivered.

Without setting up and running your own Ethereum node, you need a monitoring service. A handful of others are out there, but they charge exorbitant fees because monitoring is part of a larger feature set. QuikNode was wise enough to charge for it as an add on feature.

The experience was great. It will be more widely available soon, but if you need reasonably priced Ethereum event monitoring, you should use QuikNode.”

Cliff Hall

Cliff Hall
Principle Software Architect at Avastars