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UniCrypt: 100Xing API Blockchain Back-end Polling Speed & Halving Cost

Executive summary

UniCrypt needed the fastest nodes on the planet, plus unlimited queries to function optimally and without glitch or hiccup.

Access to the Ethereum blockchain is required for UniCrypt because they offer a browser for all ERC20 tokens and pairs on UniSwap. But not just any level of access...these applications require the fastest nodes on the planet, plus unlimited queries to function optimally and without glitch or hiccup.

Products used Networks used
  • Matic mainnet
  • Kovan PoA testnet
  • Gnosis mainnet
  • Solana devnet
  • BNB mainnet
  • Avalanche Mainnetnet
  • Ethereum mainnet
  • Arbitrum mainnet
  • Goerli PoS testnet
  • Solana main betanet
  • Sepolia PoS testnet
  • BNB Smart Chain testnet
  • Base Mainnetnet
  • Optimistic ethereum mainnet
  • CELO mainnet
Add-ons used
  • Trace Mode
  • Archive Mode
  • NFT Fetch Tool
  • Fetch NFTs By Creator

UniCrypt went live with our enterprise plan in a few days

You can too. Reach out today to set up some time to discuss your custom needs and we'll get you set up ASAP.

“We tried a few other providers (including all the main options). I can confirm that switching to QuikNode sped up our back end API blockchain polling near to 100x.

This is not a ballpark figure, the speed increase was measured for long-running ethereum cron jobs and the results were exponentially better in every case. Querying thousands of tokens used to grind our old systems to a halt and lead to out of sync data. This is all a thing of the past now. Very impressed with this service. QuikNode has our long term support!”

Mark Olsen

Mark Olsen
Co-Founder of UniCrypt