Blast is available
via API network

Boot your Blast RPC endpoint in seconds, not days.

From elastic APIs, to powerful tools & analytics, all at your command through an easy control panel. QuickNode is your complete end-to-end solution for accessing the Blast blockchain!

Instantly launch your Blast node on these networks

We support as many networks as possible for Blast to make getting started with development easy and transitioning to production even easier.

Blast Mainnet

Blast is an EVM-compatible, optimistic L2 rollup that incentivizes liquidity flows by offering developers and users native yields, automated rebasing, and gas revenue sharing.

Blast Testnet

Blast L2 Testnet allows developers and builders to test their applications on a testnet version of Blast L2 network.

Blast Clients supported

We make it ridiculously easy to create Blast RPC endpoints.

Geth Blast

Blast L2 runs on a fork of Go Ethereum.